Tag: Islam

Empowering Lives, Enriching Kashmir

Children’s Activities in Ramadan: Making the Most of Their Time

In the holy month of Ramadan, children can engage in various activities that not only help them pass the time but also allow them to learn and grow spiritually. Here are some suggestions for children’s activities during Ramadan to help them use their time wisely: 1. Quran Recitation: Encourage children to read or listen to…
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Azad Kashmir – Global Tourism Resilience Day!

When it comes to breathtaking landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and warm hospitality, Kashmir has always been a top destination for daring travellers. Despite the challenges it has faced, the region is now open for tourism, ready to welcome foreign visitors with open arms. In this blog post, we will explore how the Kashmir Welfare Foundation…
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Easily Calculate Your Zakat – Most Accurate Method!

When it comes to giving back and practicing charity, one of the most important concepts in Islam is zakat. Zakat is an obligatory form of charity that Muslims are required to give to the less fortunate. It is not only a means of helping those in need but also a way to purify one’s wealth…
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The Life of Prophet Muhammad and His Impact on Others

Prophet Muhammad, the founder of Islam, was born in the year 570 in the city of Mecca, Arabia. He was born into the Quraysh tribe, a respected and influential tribe in Mecca. From a young age, Muhammad was known for his honesty, integrity, and kindness, earning him the nickname “Al-Amin,” which means “the trustworthy.” The…
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The 5 Pillars of Islam and Their Profound Importance on Muslims

Islam, a major world religion, is built upon five fundamental practices known as the Five Pillars of Islam. These pillars form the foundation of a Muslim’s faith and serve as a guide for leading a righteous and fulfilling life. In this article, we will explore each of the Five Pillars and delve into their significance…
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